18 Dec 2011


7 random 'That awkward moment...'

#1. That awkward moment when someone fatter than you gives you dieting advice.
#2. That awkward moment when the bathroom is silent except for the sound of your pee and you hope the person washing their hands isn't listening.
#3. That awkward moment when a GPS tells a gay to go straight.
#4. That awkward moment when you're reading someone's shirt and it looks like you're staring at their boobs.
#5. That awkward moment when a little kid stares at you like you have done something wrong.
#6. That awkward moment when you spell a word so wrong even Auto-correct cannot figure out what you meant.
#7. That awkward moment when your dentist keeps asking you questions while their hands are in your mouth.

...Been there, done that for #2!
Woot, woot!

source: statusbook.net


Unknown said...

Salam kenal ..

Niena singgah sini ye ..

Niena sudah follow ..

Jemput singgah ke blog Niena & komen2 ya..

(Klik iklan Churp2 & nuffnang Niena ye.. )

Jom daftar churp2 di blog Niena ,untung dengan hanya 1 klik .. Earning Churp2 lebih laju naik daripada nuffnang .. =)

beanizer_05 said...

merry xmas!