Apparently I'm the another victim for this 'blog-tagging':"25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about ME. At the end, choose up to 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you"And this will be my response to
Beanizer tag:
1. I'm the most playful and cheerful person at work.
2. I wear my watch on my right hand side and I'm not a lefty.
3. I prefer gadgets than jeweleries (this is a good news for my fiance)
4. Someday, I wanted to see people drop their jaws when they see me having a ride on a truck/any heavy transports for work. The bigger the better!
5. I'm a very imaginative person and full of creativity.
6. I love to eat! (Who doesn't)
7. I like seven!
8. I'm a child that's trapped in a woman's body.
9. I talk to my fish.
10. I'm allergic to overly romantic person/guys.
11. I always take 30 mins of nap whenever I got home from work.
12. When will this thing be over???
13. I wanna cause a major traffic jam in the country over something stupid and make for the tomorrow headlines.
14. I love visiting museums.
15. I'm lousy with numbers and I don't like math.
16. I still watch Sesame Street.
17. I believed I've a kidney of a monkey (Monkey's kidney process 5 times faster than human) because I pee a lot in a day!
18. No! I'm not a monkey. Just the kidney part.
19. I have no time but I'm buying times.
20. I still can't believe I'm getting married this year.
21. I'm obviously working in the wrong department. I should work in the IT deparment.
22. Ah! Almost there.
23. Honestly, I have no idea who's the next 25 people to tag. I only got few.
24. I'm gonna kill the person who dragged me into this. Haha!
25. Ok, I need a pee break now.
Now, here's my chance to victimize others! As I said, I only have few people in mind for this. :)
My BFF2.